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Create Your Own Heaven On Earth

Thank you all for coming once more to listen to what we have to say. We are very pleased that people are finding us, and taking time out of their busy schedules to listen to the information, knowledge and wisdom that we wish to impart to yourselves. Times they are a changing, everywhere you look you see signs of this. Prices for many commodities are going up very quickly. One thing you need to watch out and prepare for is food. Food is going to become extremely expensive and sparse. As such we would suggest buying in what you can and store it away because you will need it soon enough. This however is only a short term solution. You need to become self sufficient. There are many ways of doing this, you could start trying to grow your own food, if you have a small plot of land, a small garden, or even in pots and containers. “ Food is going to become extremely expensive and sparse” Another way i...

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