Shine Your Light
Thank you all for coming again here today to listen to our words. Please take onboard what we have to say because time is off the essence and things are starting to move rapidly. Things are not always as they seem. The media, the news, the internet are all involved spreading false information, propaganda, lies, about what is happening in the world.
You have to dig if you want to find the real truth of what is going on. We encourage you to look and find out for yourselves, don’t take our word for it, don’t take our word for anything. We ask you to do your own research, look into what is going on. Look what has gone into, and what has occurred with the vaccines. Look into what is occurring now with Russia and Ukraine, all is not as it seems. You are only getting one side of the story and this side of the story is heavily manipulated to give a certain outcome.
“You are only getting one side of the story and this side of the story is heavily manipulated to give a certain outcome”
For you to have the full facts, you need to look because it is not readily available. They do not want you to know this information. This information is hidden from you, hidden from the general populace of the world. By taking your time and finding out what is really going on, you can ascertain in so much as you can the truth as to what is really taking place.
We can sit here and tell you until we are blue in the face, but a lot of you will not believe. So we ask you to find out for yourself. In that way, hopefully it will be a lightbulb moment, a parting of the curtains and you realise the truth of the matter and it is far darker than you are being led to believe.
There is evil on this planet. As we have stated before and they are making their move in all sorts of directions. They have numerous agendas going at once, plus a lot of misinformation being spread and it is all designed to confuse, spread fear and panic. With the result of the vibration off not only the person but also off the planet being greatly reduced.
In order to move into the light, we need to first of all become aware of what is going on. Accept what is going on. It may not be pleasurable but accept it anyway, because in doing so you lose the fear. They lose the control and the manipulation that they have over you. In essence you are setting yourself FREE.
I am not going to say that this is going to be easy by no means that is not going to be the case. But by being aware of what is going on, what is taking place, and finding out about some of the things they have planned for humanity coming down the line. You can look at it objectively without fear and in doing so you raise your own spirits and raise your vibration. This in turn not only helps you, but your vibration spreads outwards and upwards and starts to effect all those around you.
And when more and more people start to become aware of what is going on, their vibration will also rise and spread, and rise and spread, and rise and spread throughout the populations. This is a good thing, because it then shines a light in the darkness.
These creatures like to hide in the darkness and like to work in secret and plot and plan and deceive. But we shall light up the place from within ourselves, spread it out through our home, through our villages and towns and cities. It shall gather momentum, it shall gather speed and energy and a life of is own. There will become a time where there will be a tipping point. For these creatures both human and demonic forms will no longer be able to hide. THAT WILL BE A GREAT DAY.
“There will become a time where there will be a tipping point. For these creatures both human and demonic forms will no longer be able to hide. That will be a great day”
But between now and then there is work to be done. There is work to be done on yourself, on your own development. Practice rising your vibration. This will make a great deal of difference to yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually in all ways that matter.
You will find a calmness descend upon you, and help you obtain a peace of mind. You’ll find yourself being centred and grounded which is very very important. You will look at life through a completely different set of eyes and will develop an inner knowledge, an inner knowing, an inner wisdom. Also you will begin to see through their lies and their bluster and their fake promises. You will know and will see it for what it really is. In doing so you will help to create a better space for yourself and those around you, and this is where groups of like minded people come together.
“You will begin to see through their lies and their bluster and their fake promises. You will know you will see it for what it really is”
You will be drawn towards the light and others will be drawn towards you. For you shall be a light. A bright shining light in the darkness and evil will be repelled from you and like minded people will be drawn towards you. This is where communities will start full of love, connection, empathy and a desire to help one another. With a desire to see each and every person do well, to better themselves. In doing this for yourself you will draw it back in upon yourself many times over.
Because what you want in life, ironically you have to give it away first. If you want love, give love out and watch it return. If you want happiness, share the happiness again watch it return. If you want money, give money out once more watch it return, but do this from a place of love not out of a place of self-centredness. From a place of love is what this world needs at this moment in time. Love is very big, love is very powerful, LOVE WILL LITERALLY CHANGE YOUR WORLD.
Love is the main driving force here. Love is the catalyst for change, so let love into your life and also give it out. A desire to help others will go a long way. Today is the day to start making those changes within yourself for there may not always be a tomorrow. So just for today take time for yourself. I know that some of you are extremely busy, life can get in the way and you need to take time for yourself, five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour whatever you can spare. Take time out just to sit in the peace and quiet, settle your mind, learn to meditate if possible, relax and just breathe.
“Love is the main driving force here. Love is the catalyst for change”
Do this every day if you can as often as you can. By doing this simple thing it will help put your mind at ease, even though the world is turbulent around you. It is almost like detaching yourself and moving onto a higher plane where you can just observe and not be affected by what is going on. You must choose to do this. This is something we cannot do for you, you must do for yourself, trust me when I say its well worth the effort. To have peace of mind when all appears lost is a wonderful gift you can give yourself.
There’s a better brighter day ahead for all of us. But we all need to learn to harness our own abilities in order to help usher in better times. We need to chase this darkness away by shining our light, standing up, standing tall. Shine your light and watch others gravitate towards you. They will be lost not knowing which way to turn, or who to turn to, or who to listen to.
You will be able to help them guide them, teach them, put them on the path to love, on a the path to God. This will set ripples in motion because people will be able to share the knowledge that you give them to others who may also be lost. For we all need each other to help each other, there is a great upheaval on the horizon, its best to be prepared. Be prepared but do not be frightened for it will never do you any good. It will only keep you locked you in a cage in your mind, we are here to help set you free.
Today is a great day for us, because you have found us. You are listening to me now, but there are many more behind me all wanting to share our information and our knowledge and our wisdom with you. That you can go forth into the world and share it with others.
So for now I would like to say go in peace and may the love of God be with you always, and I will come again in order to share this moment with you all. I love you all very dearly.
Thank you
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