Let God In
Thank you all for coming once more to listen to what we have to say. The idea behind these talks is for us to stress the importance of getting to know God. Invite him back into your life because there is going to be some very trying times ahead. An understanding and a belief in God is what is going to help you through these coming times.
I’m sure you already see it on the news, its palpable in the air, there is a darkness coming in around us all. The news and other media organisations pump out fear. They always have to have you frightened of something. This is not done by accident, this is done deliberately. We ask that you wake up and pay attention to what is going on in your planet.
“The news and other media organisations pump out fear. They always have to have you frightened of something”
These evil plotters have been working away in the shadows for millennia. But now they feel the time is right for them to make their move and they are making their move. You notice the oil prices are going up, the gas prices, heating, petrol including food, this is all part of an agenda. This isn’t anything to do with sanctions on Russia, or to with this war between Russia and Ukraine, this is only an excuse.
These evil people are planning to depopulate the planet by many many millions. There are a number of ways in which they will execute this malevolent and wicked plan. Many of these wheels have already been set in motion.
The vaccines if you do not know by now contain various substances designed to make you sick. With which to degrade your health, and to bring on numerous illnesses. Umpteen people are dead already and many more will die in the years to come. This is a sad fact but it is true.
Another way of depopulation is through food shortages, I’m sure you can see the shelves empty in some shops. They will have various excuses for this, such as Brexit, no drivers, the high cost of transportation. The list will go on but these are all made up excuses.
They are also paying farmers not to farm, in some parts of the world they are even being paid to to destroy their crops. Birds are being killed, animals are being slaughtered all with the desired intention of reducing the food supply.
“They are also paying farmers not to farm, in some parts of the world they are even being paid to to destroy their crops”
War is another way to drastically reduce the populations. These wars aren’t happening by accident. These are planned and everyone is in on it, all the main governments around the world serve their evil masters. The politicians that run countries are not in charge, they serve higher more devious, brutal evil masters.
If you don’t believe me look at how easily the vaccines where rolled out in every country across the planet (bar the odd one or two). Look now at how all the countries are crying wolf against Russia, how bad Russia is, the media is portraying them in the worst possible light. America and Britain have done much worse, invading other countries. What was said bad about them? Very little!
We are just shining a light into the darkness hoping that it will trigger something within you, that will get your curiosity going. Maybe to get you to step up a gear because you are bound to feel within yourself that something isn’t right here. No matter how hard you try to push it down deep within yourself. There’s still that little voice within you saying, “there is something not right but I cant put my finger on it”. While yes indeed you are correct, something is not right, in-fact something is very, very, very wrong.
People are waking up to these shenanigans, they are becoming aware of what these people are planning and have already planned for mankind. There are plenty out there who have been trying to get the message out but you will never find them on the main stream media. They are easy to find if you just look, they have websites, Youtube and Facebook pages.
A lot of these are being taken down at the minute for so called fake news, it is only fake news because it goes against their narrative. Anything that they do not wish you to hear or to find out about, they are systematically closing it down. Closing down peoples avenues of speech. Very soon these people will disappear from the internet altogether. So find them while you can, read and learn.
“It is only fake news because it goes against their narrative”
Throughout try and remain calm and detached, when you awaken as to what is going on. We will say, and say again they will be unable to control you. They may take away your freedoms, they may lock you up, however they cannot control your thoughts. This alone will give you peace of mind.
When things are turbulent around you, you can remain still with an inner wisdom, an inner knowing. That is why we say get to know God, God is the calm which is within everyone. God will see you through the toughest of times. God is love and love is what is needed at present.
“God will see you through the toughest of times”
These evil people are masters at deception and dividing the populace against each other. So instead of fighting each other lets learn to love one another. Others may have different views, different religions, or even different attitudes to you. That is no reason to hate them, or to go out of your way to hurt, maim, kill them. NO doing this is only playing into their hands .
They want to see death destruction and turmoil. This is their aim.
LOVE, love is what matters. Love one another, if you cant love a person don’t do them any harm, let them go on their way. Let them go on their way in peace.
When you feel like being rude to someone, or when you feel like lashing out, walk away. By doing simple things, makes a big difference in the end. Let love into your heart, let it settle in your mind, let it become part of you. Become calm, become centred, BECOME LOVE. And watch yourself change and notice the world around you change. Because love is infectious, love spreads.
“Let love into your heart, let it settle in your mind, let it become part of you”
So with that thought we will leave you, we thank you for taking your time out, to listen to us and we will call again. For it is our mission to help you in your time of need.
Thank you, we will talk again soon.
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